Green live
Your personal energy management system.
Your personal energy management system.
Switching to clean energy from sources like the sun, wind, and water is crucial for the energy transition and reduces the use of fossil fuels. To make use of renewable energy, it’s essential to monitor and track continuously.
You can make the most of these renewable sources by using our advanced system called Generation Green LIVE. This system ensures that the energy generated is used efficiently by strategically distributing, storing, or trading it. We not only control energy flows, but also track them down to the smallest detail. Based on this data, we can understand where your energy flows and recommend innovative solutions.
Did you know that the Generation Green Energy Controller has been recognised as an energy-saving measure by the Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland (RVO)? This means that you benefit from various tax advantages and subsidy options.
With the Energy Controller, you can reduce your energy bill by up to 30%. This control module is equipped with sensors that record and transmit data. The controller uses algorithms for charging electric vehicles, energy market trading in combination with a battery and controlling other installations. An ideal solution for companies that want to achieve their sustainability goals.
Curtailing means that the capacity of a solar power system can be temporarily reduced, e.g. on sunny or windy days when electricity production peaks. When supply exceeds demand, the network is out of balance, resulting in negative energy prices. By using curtailment, you earn money by producing less electricity or by taking power from the network and using it in, for example, a battery or charging park.
Our EMS system can read out and control any energy system. The collected data is visualised in an online portal with a clear overview. Large energy operators are legally obliged to provide an insight into current consumption in addition to historical consumption. From 2027, it will even be mandatory to read energy meters remotely. This is already possible with our system today.
With energy prices fluctuating and the supply of renewable energy growing, smart management of your energy consumption or production is crucial. This allows you to secure additional income at attractive market prices. By combining Generation Green LIVE with an energy supplier, you can easily register your system for various markets, whether as a contribution to energy stability, as an emergency power reserve or for balancing energy. We take care of the connection – the energy supplier takes care of the rest.
Energy demands often fluctuate greatly throughout the day. For example, a bakery needs more energy when baking bread than at the end of the day. In an office building, there are peaks at the start of the day or when employees are charging their electric cars. Peak shaving compensates for these peaks by regulating the load on the power network, e.g. with the help of a battery. This keeps you well below your agreed maximum power usage. In some cases, you can even reduce the amount you consume yourself.
In many parts of Europe today, overloading the electricity network is a major problem. With increasing green energy sources, we are working on fully electrifying. This leads to large fluctuations between supply and demand throughout the day. In a zero feed-in situation, the (generated) energy is not fed back into the network because the network is no longer sufficient. The risk of high fines is minimised by an EMS.
We optimise your energy consumption by taking into account external factors such as the weather forecast or energy prices. One example of this is adjusting the output of a cooler on sunny days so that it consumes less energy at night when energy prices rise.
Existing or new charging stations are integrated into the EMS system to enable dynamic load balancing. This keeps all energy installations within your network in balance. Do you want to know more about load balancing?